Scientists detect mysterious waves in Jupiter’s core, what are they?

A team of researchers from Harvard University have proclaimed that they detected mysterious waves moving deep inside Jupitar’s core changing its magnetic field, Science Focus reported.  A planet’s magnetic field serves as a portal into the intricate processes occurring beneath its surface. Alterations in these fields expose the hidden interplay between magnetism, fluid motion, and other forces — processes liable for the generation of Earth’s magnetic field. Scientists noticed a fluctuating jet a high-speed current in Jupiter’s atmosphere, operating in about four-year cycles. Using observations from NASA’s Juno spacecraft, they found out…

‘General amnesty’: CM Bugti extends olive branch to Baloch separatists

“Many assassination attempts were made on my life but I have forgiven all those [elements] as there is no flame of revenge in my heart,” the provincial chief executive said while speaking on Geo News programme Jirga aired at 10pm on Sunday. “Although I am in power, it does not mean that I start settling personal scores… [and] I did not have any personal feud with anyone,” he added. Bugti, who served as caretaker interior minister at Centre before the February 8 elections, said he always stood by the state in its…